Diabetic Diets

114274155Diabetes is a health disease where the body cannot make or use insulin. By not being able to properly use insulin, high glucose levels results in the blood. Healthy eating is one way to keep the blood sugar in the proper target range. By controlling blood sugar with a diet, the complications of diabetes can be prevented.

Type of Diabetic Diets

Many people who have diabetes go to a registered dietician to help them make an eating plan. The eating plan will take into consideration weight, medications, lifestyle and any other health issues. A meal plan is a guide that suggests what kind of food to eat at meals and snacks as well as how much food to eat. Regardless of whether an individualized eating plan is developed, diabetic diets have some common features.

The diabetic diet focuses on limiting foods that are high in sugar, although sugar does not need to be cut out completely. The diet should consist of the following: eating smaller portions that are spread out over the day, being cognizant of when and how many carbohydrates are eaten, eating a variety of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, eating less fat and using less salt. Limiting the consumption of alcohol is also an integral part to the diabetic diet as it is with many diets. The diabetic diet is based on 40-60% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% of calories or less from fat and 20% from protein.

Health Factors of Diabetic Diets

The basis of a diabetic diet is a balanced diet. This kind of diet is beneficial for anyone – regardless of whether a person has diabetes or not. A balanced diet entails getting the recommended daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. All of these components are necessary for good health for both diabetics and non-diabetics.

As a diabetic diet consists of a balanced diet, the daily intake of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and so on are closely monitored. As a result of eating a balanced diet, weight-loss typically occurs. Weight-loss has its own health benefits associated with it including reducing the risk of other health issues.

Another health factor of a diabetic diet is by regulating blood sugar it helps to keep diabetics stable. As a result, the amount of insulin that is required should be reduced. Diabetic diets also help the individual to avoid falling blood sugars which can result in hyperglycemia. These diets also raise the metabolism which can help the body manage the foods ingested.

Cost Associated with Diabetic Diets

Similar to the cholesterol diet, the diabetic diet has little extra cost to go along with it. There may be an increase in the grocery bill by replacing some unhealthy food choices with some healthier ones. Fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh whole grains and so on should replace canned, frozen and dried foods. Another healthier alternative is to eat more poultry and fish, especially leaner cuts as well as non-fat dairy items – all which may or may not have some higher costs associated with them. Fast food and convenience food, such as frozen meals should be avoided.