Weight Training – Upper Body

weighttrainingupperbodyYears ago, weight training was not as popular as it is today, mostly due to the fact that there were so many physically demanding jobs. Nowadays, people choose to weight train in order to stay in shape. There are many health benefits of lifting weights and it is an integral part of any workout routine.

Types of Weight Training – Upper Body Routines

Weight training is a popular type of exercise to develop strength and size of muscles. It uses the gravity from the weight to oppose the force generated by the muscle through contraction. It is easy to use weights to target specific muscle groups. The body is made up of two large muscle groups: upper body and lower body.

The upper body consists of the following muscles: chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps. Upper body routines often use weights. Barbells and dumbbells are commonly used for upper body weight training. To start, use light weights and keep focus on proper technique. Once the technique has been mastered, weight can be added.

Some people also choose to use machines for weight training routines for the upper body. Machines tend to balance the weight which makes them easier and somewhat less effective than using free weights. Some people feel more comfortable using machines to weight train however, there is still a chance of injury should the user not be in the proper position.

Equipment Required for Weight Training – Upper Body Routines

Weight training does require a fair selection of different weights to achieve the maximum benefit. For upper body routines, equipment can include barbells, dumbbells, pulleys as well as bars for chin-ups and push-ups. In order to achieve the maximum benefits of weight training for the upper body, many different weights are required which tend to be very expensive. For serious weight training for the upper body, a fitness club membership may be the better alternative than to try to build a home gym with all the different types of weights. For home gyms, push-ups and chin-ups can be done with little equipment.

Other pieces of equipment may include lifting straps, weightlifting belts, weighted clothing as well as weightlifting gloves. All of these items are not required for weight lifting however, they can be beneficial. Another item that may be helpful is a journal to record workouts. It is important to keep track of weights used, repetitions performed as well as which muscles have been trained.

Health Benefits of Weight Training – Upper Body Routines

There are many health benefits to weight training for the upper body. One very obvious benefit is building muscle. Another benefit people like is burning fat – it keeps the metabolism high and may help to eat better. A not so obvious result is that weight training can increase health. It can help increase endurance as well as bone density. It has also been proven that weight training improves sleep and lowers cholesterol. Weight training, especially for upper body can also build self-confidence. By seeing improvements in the body and feel better about themselves, people are more likely to continue to weight train.